Robert Doms Belgian is a light beer with a smooth malt taste, distinguished by a sweetish wheat shade and a light spicy-fruity aftertaste. Brewed according to the recipe with the use of unique Belgian malt.
When his father died in 1835, J.C. Jacobsen took over his small brewery in Inner Copenhagen. Eventually, he decided he needed a new brewery with larger cool storage space. Therefore, he built a new brewery just outside Copenhagen, on top of a hill, where water was flowing. With that, Carlsberg was born in 1847. From its origins as a small regional brewery on a hill outside Copenhagen, the Carlsberg Group is now an international player with activities across the world. But the journey is far from over.
- Style
- Sub Style
- DE TRIGO - Witbier
- Appareance
- Cloudy Blonde
- Alcohol Content
- 4,3 grados
- Volume
- 50cl
- Country
- Fabrica
- Unidades caja
- 20