-17% In Stock NATIONAL ARTISANS BROUWERIJ'T - IJ IPA - Indian Pale Ale 33cl BROUWERIJ´T 18541 €1.84 €2.21 Time left IPA is a dark blond beer with a pronounced hop flavour. The abbreviation stands for India Pale Ale. This is an originally English beer style that arose when English ales they given a higher alcohol percentage and a stronger hop recipe. This way they survived the voyage to the colonies better. In that IPA have not only added hops to the beer during... Add to cart
In Stock BLACK AND TOAST BALTIKA - IMPERIAL STOUT - Imperial Stout 44cl BALTIKA 19569 €2.79 Russian Imperial Stout became popular among the upper class of St. Petersburg during the time of Empress Catherine the Great in the 18th century, when she began ordering this specific kind from England to the imperial court. In December 2023, Baltika brewed a Russian Imperial Stout in order to honor the traditions and so that the modern consumer could... Add to cart